Including surfing stretches before your morning or evening surfing session will bring health and fitness benefits. Stretching before surf can prevent sports injuries. Don’t think that something as stretching won’t be effective. Improve your surfing skills and minimize injuries. Thanks to our instructor, every morning and evening we offer free yoga fusion classes which is a mix of yoga, pilates and pranayama (breathing) focus on surf. Our Yoga Chalet offers amazing views to the ocean and this next year 2020 will be renewed and more comfy for our classes. You do not have to bring your mat, we have 10 new mats for our costumers as well as pilates balls and elastics. *Same instructor is physiotherapist and massage therapist as well. So, do not worry about your pains after surfing **Please ask us if in your stay our instructor will be with us. *** We also offer Yoga-Surf Retreats once or two times a year. Keep update following us in our instagram account. |